
Consulting WP is the name of a collection of individuals who believe in excellence. We specialize in hiring people who have the drive to succeed and the will to implement the discipline required to succeed. We focus on nurturing our team and providing our team an environment that is conductive to creative thought. We focus on eliminating stress and pressure so our team can think clearly and creatively.

When you work at Consulting WP, you get to be part of a team that is known for its performance. We are efficiency driven professionals who focus on the endgame.

Consulting WP focuses not just on recruiting individuals that are performance oriented but also on developing them. To us it is important to ensure that our clients are satisfied and are being served with the care and respect they deserve.

Once we see the potential in someone and recruit them we ensure that they get an environment in which they can actually realize their potential. Stress and pressure are the enemies of productivity and creativity, we aim to decrease them as much as possible.


benefits and rewards

We care for our clients‘ business as our business. We think and act like business partners, not academic advisors. We share our clients‘ aspirations, work to understand their reality, and align our incentives with their objectives — so they know we’re in this together.

Personal impact, mentoring, and teamwork are just a few of the benefits of building a career at Consulting WP.

open positions

Job-Titel Ort Abteilung Datum
Deputy Principal Construction Manager Brooklyn, NY, US Project Management 8. Januar 2016
Senior Industrial Planner Oak Ridge, TN, US Civil Construction 8. Januar 2016
Senior Programme Manager Houston, TX, US Project Management 8. Januar 2016
Deputy Principal Construction Manager Toronto,Ontario, CA Project Management 8. Januar 2016
Programme Engineering Manager Richland, WA, US Project Management 7. Januar 2016

In spring 2022 i completed my bachelor of arts degree in „International taxation and law“ at the Rhein-Waal University in Kleve. Beneficial for the law firm, i can bring in my mandarin and english language skills into the day-to-day work of the office.

Jade Bao
Tax, Senior Consultant

Steuerrecht ist kompliziert, insbesondere wenn Unternehmen über Ländergrenzen hinweg operieren. Auf genau diese Fälle hat sich meine Kanzlei spezialisiert. Wir verfolgen mit viel Leidenschaft alle steuerlichen Entwicklungen, so dass wir unsere Mandanten immer auf dem aktuellsten Stand beraten können.

Isabel Baatz
Geschäftsführerin, Steuerberaterin, FBIStR

Als IT-Projektmanager und Schulungsleiter war ich fast ein Jahrzehnt für ein international bekanntes Unternehmen aus München tätig. In Kombination der beiden DATEV APPs Smart Login und Upload Mobil wird „Unternehmen online“ und „Elektronisches Belegbuchen“ für Sie ganz einfach.

Axel Baatz
Kanzleimanager, Digitalisierung

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